Collection: Custom Built Rugged Laptops Tablets & Accessories

Tougher Technology LLC refurbishes, upgrades, and custom builds Panasonic Toughbook ToughPad, Dell Rugged, Getac, Motion Computing, Caterpillar Rugged Devices and other manufacturers for a variety of industries, applications, and environments.

We upgrade, develop, customize, and repair devices and equipment for clients in public safety and security, automotive repair and diagnostics, outdoor and overland enthusiasts, severe weather spotters, equipment engineers, and just about any tough job in demanding conditions requiring tougher technology. 

We custom tailor solutions and packages to meet your mission specific requirements and offer creative solutions to assist with delivering quality gear at a price that works with your budget through opportunities to promote our products or trade in related equipment when applicable. 

Get ahold of through email, chat, or our social media links below and we'll find a way to make technology work for you.





98 products